Nineteen 21 Properties was started out of a calling. I realized there was as rapidly growing gap in those who did and did not have access to owning land, myself included. I wanted to create a way for others to build their legacy through affordable and easy land ownership. I am committed to making land something everyone has access to, and make sure the process is as pain free and easy as possible.
Nineteen 21 is in reference to 1 Kings 19:21 a small and obscure verse in the Bible. It tells the story of Elisha who was so committed and so focused on his future that he burned his livelihood (his plows and cattle) to signify he could never return the life he once knew (It's the Biblical version of Burn the Ship). When I started Nineteen 21 I knew there was no turning back, and I am committed to helping others build a legacy through land ownership.
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